Cutting Edge Decals

by Michael Benolkin

The folks at Meteor Productions continue to turn out great aftermarket decals with some of the best instructions/color profiles on the market. This latest batch are no exception. Let's take a look:

CED48236 - NACA/NASA Insignia

MSRP: $8.99

This set provides a wide range of NACA and NASA logos as they appeared since the late 1940s. What is new with this set is that Cutting Edge has provided markings in several scales from 1/48 and several scales smaller. An additional small sheet provides additional numbers in the font used by NASA for aircraft numbers.

CEBM72165 - Space Shuttle Tile Masks

MSRP: $13.99 - Recommended Kit: Monogram/Revell 1/72 Shuttle

This set of Black Magic masks will make painting of your 1/72 Space Shuttle significantly easier. Several variations are provided in this set to respresent the wing and tail coloring as each Shuttle underwent general upgrades or were uniquely modified as was the Columbia with the vertical fin camera.

As always, it is fascinating to see what is coming next from the talented group of decal makers at Cutting Edge. You can obtain your Cutting Edge decals directly from Meteor Productions.

My sincere thanks to Meteor Productions for these review samples!

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