Sprue Bits: Announcements and Future Releases

First, some words on last month's article on the Israeli P-47s. That one article resulted in quite a few emails, so here's the full story. The short version is that the article appeared in the April issue for a reason: April Fool's. Yup, that's right, it was completely ficticious. The author did a very good job at writing a believable history of Israeli P-47s, so send your thanks to Stephen Tontoni.

And now here's a couple recent items that came across my desk in the last month.

From Martti Kuivalainen:

Pictures of all inScale72 decals (note ! some of the decals are in 1/48 !) and their instruction sheets can be found in :

If you need any further information, please contact me.

Martti Kuivalainen

A Kiven katu 58
FIN-00510 Helsinki
tel int-358-400-564645
fax int-358-9-2726898
e-mail martti.kuivalainen@kolumbus.fi

From Meteor Productions:

We're beginning our first foray into nautical modeling subjects, so I thought your readers might be interested in this press release.

Meteor Productions, Inc.

1/72 LCAC Multimedia Kit

from Cutting Edge Waveform

Cutting Edge is proud to announce the scheduled release of our 1/72 LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion) multimedia kit in August 2003. This kit is being mastered by Gene Largado, the world-renowned ship patternmaker (formerly with the JAG Collective).

This kit will be of interest to both ship modelers and armor builders since the LCAC is used for transport of Marine armor and softskins onto enemy beaches. In fact, the LCAC is part boat, part plane, and carries tanks!

Gene is mastering the kit using US Navy engineering drawings and hundreds of photos in our collection. Detail will be commensurate with the scale.

The kit will contain resin and etched metal parts, as well as clear resin windows and portholes. A complete set of BlackMagic masks for the windows and full decals, including stenciling, will round out the kit.

Pricing has not been set at this point.

Cutting Edge Waveform is also preparing to release a series of 1/35 Royal Navy ship of the line cannons, Carronades, etc., as well as a Quarterdeck sectional diorama of the HMS Diana. Master patternmaker Joel LaBow is creating these sets for us, and we expect to release the first increment of sets in this series in about a month.

Cutting Edge is well known in the aircraft market for outstanding resin and metal super detailed cockpits, conversions, and detailing parts, as well as superbly researched and drawn aircraft decals. Cutting Edge Waveform is the trade name for our new foray into nautical projects. We have many more sets of different nautical subjects in work now, so stay tuned for news of our latest releases!

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