Nieuport 1-27
By Tomasz J. Kowalski
Famous Airplanes 1
Oficyna Wydawnicza KAGERO
ISBN: 83-89088-09-6
48 Pages, softbound

US$12.00 from Roll Models

Reviewed By Matt Bittner


This book is an excellent reference if wondering about the general history of the WW1 Nieuport series of aircraft. It starts with the Nieuport development history starting with the Nieuport I. From there it branches in the Nieuport IV and then finishing with the "V-Strutters" - the Nieuport 11 through the Nieuport 27.

After the general history of the aircraft the book moves into pilots and nationalities that flew the Nieuports. The book ends with a history of Nieuports in Poland - including machines that were captured or defected from the Russian Civil War - and the last section is one that deals with colors and markings.

Besides the Polish history of Nieuports the other strength of this publication lies in the decals that come with the book. They are excellently printed and in register. There is the added advantage that both 1/48th and 1/72nd are catered for in the same decal sheet. There are decals for a number of Polish machine, a few IRAS and a couple of French machines, and the Italian machine flown by Baracca. While some of the machines have already been catered for on other decal sheets, it's nice seeing a good representation of Polish-flown aircraft. All of the examples on the decal sheet are supported by well done color profiles within the pages. This book is highly recommended. (It appears that the next book in the Famous Airplanes series is the Brewster Buffalo.)

Our thanks to Roll Models for the review book.

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