Winter Jets
These jets are ready for the winter snow.

Hurricanes at Sea
Hurricanes on ships. Stick 'em on a rocket, give the pilot a raft, and they're off!

This month's header photo shows a pair of Me323s that have seen better days. In front of them is a string of Bf109s, also in sad condition. I thought that since this is the October edition, it would be appropriate to have some skeletons hanging around.

This month brings an addition to the site. The new Camouflage & Markings section will cover anything that catches my eye. This month, since we are getting close to that time of snow, shows some jets sporting temporary winter camouflage.

There is also a white Hurricane and an F7U Cutlass poking around here, so browse through, enjoy, and feel free to comment on anything. I am also planning on adding a web page link section, so if you have a site and would like it listed, email me.

Missed last month's issue? It's still here in the archive. Click here to see September's issue, with articles on camouflaged F-86Ds, a Spitfire review, an AM-1, and more.