Luftwaffe Emblems Part 1: Fighters Unit heraldry is a fascinating study, especially when there is a wide variety of emblems used as in the Luftwaffe during the Second World War. Below are a dozen emblems from various fighter units. The only common denominator between all of these emblems is that they all appeared on Bf 109s at some point during the war. | | | II Gruppe, JG 1 | III Gruppe, JG 52 | 7 Staffel, JG 5 | | | | 1.J/88 'Legion Condor | 9 Staffel, JG 2 | III Gruppe, JG 1 | | | | III Gruppe, JG 5 | 7 Staffel, JG 5 | JG 1 | | | | 10 Staffel, JG 2 | 14 Staffel, JG 4 | III Gruppe, JG 77 | |         |